Photo of Erik, Florissant peer coach

Erik (he/him)

Coach, Florissant

Erik struggled with his cycle of addiction for nearly 20 years. After working from home during the pandemic, he realized he needed help.

Coach type: Person with addiction

Coaching since: 2021

Lived experience:
I struggled with alcohol and marijuana for nearly 20 years. I went through periods of trying to cut back but never made it more than 60 days without drinking. Finally, after I had been working from home during the pandemic and realized I couldn’t go without a substance, I knew I needed help.

Professional background:
I’ve been in leadership positions in manufacturing companies for several years. I love working with groups of people – helping them problem solve, improve processes and reduce waste. I could’ve been happy in my last role, but there was a void. Now, I feel like I have a purpose; helping people has filled that void.

Workplace recovery, graphic design, criminal justice system, problem solving

My wife, our three kids and I live on more than three acres of land, where we spend a lot of our free time outside. We enjoy hiking, ATVing and taking pictures.

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