Frequently asked questions

If you or someone you love is struggling with alcohol or other drugs, we're here to help. Here are the most common questions about our addiction care services, asked and answered.

What is peer coaching?

Coaching is practical, goal-oriented and focused on helping members develop tools to improve all aspects of their lives. It’s provided by highly trained peers who are personally experienced with addiction, either as survivors themselves or as loved ones.

Our coaches fall somewhere in between therapists and 12-step sponsors; they’re very similar to mentors. They aren’t clinical or as formal as credentialed therapists, but they’re more structured than 12-step sponsors. Coaches really try to meet members wherever they are in their wellness journeys. They focus on the present and future, rather than the past, and are open to many pathways to wellness.

Face It TOGETHER coaching is available in any location via video or phone and in person in Colorado Springs, CO and Sioux Falls, SD.

What does coaching cost?

Thanks to grants and generous donors, most members get support for free. More than 90% of all completed coaching sessions are provided at no cost to members. For paying members, individual sessions are $100; multi-session packages are also available (six for $510, 12 for $960, and 20 for $1,400). Learn more about our costs and what to expect on our pricing page.

What if I’m not ready to quit drinking alcohol or using other drugs? 

We don't require sobriety. We believe doing better – not just being sober – is what gets people well. That’s why we’ll focus on all areas of your life, including your job satisfaction, community connectedness and family support.

What if I relapse?

We’re here to help you. We don’t believe in discharging someone from services after a relapse. As peers, many of us have had setbacks in our own journeys. If you experience a relapse – or a recurrence of use, as we sometimes call it – we’ll use it as a learning opportunity and brainstorm what other resources may be helpful. We’ll also remind you that even though you may be disappointed, a relapse doesn’t mean you’ve lost all the hard work you’ve already done. Watch this video to hear peer coach Lacey’s story of recurrence and how the Face It TOGETHER team rallied around her.

What happens if I miss a session?

Please try to let us know if you’re unable to make your session as soon as possible. We understand that life happens; we won’t charge you or discontinue coaching if you miss a session. The more you communicate, the more we can plan. That session time could be filled by someone else who needs help. Additionally, we want to make sure you get the most out of your coaching experience. We see the best coaching results with consistency and accountability in showing up for appointments.

Who qualifies for services?

Anyone at least 18 years old can enroll in coaching. We help anyone impacted by alcohol or other drugs, from someone who just wants to cut back to someone who’s been on a sobriety journey for years. We also help loved ones. We intentionally define loved ones loosely. You could be a parent, spouse, sibling, neighbor, coworker – anyone impacted by the alcohol or other drug use of someone in their life.

As a loved one, I don’t have an addiction. Why should I get help? 

We get this question a lot from loved ones. They often wonder why they should receive services if they’re not the one “with the problem." However, we also know loved ones can enact positive and lasting change when they’re given the right tools. Our data and member anecdotes show that a healthy, empowered loved one is more likely to motivate change in their person at risk.

What happens after I reach out for help? 

Our first impressions team will contact you as soon as possible (within 24 business hours). From there, we’ll schedule a free consult where we'll explain the coaching process, our assessments and any other areas you may have questions about. Once you’re paired with your coach, you’ll work together to create an individualized wellness plan and honor your idea of success.

How do you match coaches?

Everything we do comes down to the power of the peer. In our first impressions process, we do our best to match members with a coach that has the closest possible lived experience. We’ll ask if you have any preferences, like gender, age, LGBTQIA+ status and more, to provide a safe and comfortable space. You're welcome to read our coach bios and request a certain coach if someone's story resonates with you.

What if I want to switch my coach?

You’re welcome to switch coaches at any time if it’s not a good fit. We want you to feel comfortable and understand we can’t be a perfect match for everyone. If you’re anxious about asking for a new coach, please feel free to reach out to our general phone number or email to speak with someone other than your coach. (See our contact information page here.)

How will my data be shared?

Your privacy is incredibly important to us. We often share output and outcome data with funders and other partners, but it’s always de-identified. By sharing de-identified data, we have an opportunity to help change the narrative surrounding addiction and explore its nuances. For example, we believe the use of alcohol or other drugs is just one part of a very complex story; wellness is about so much more than sobriety. You can learn more on our privacy policy page. If you’d like to see some of our research and coaching outcomes, be sure to visit our data page.

Are your coaches volunteers?

Generally speaking, our peer coaches are staff members. We bring volunteers on to coach in rare cases. In our early years of operations, we trained volunteer peer coaches, some of whom eventually became employed full-time. Common challenges with volunteer coaches included consistency of available hours and a long-term commitment to the work. We identified this was a disservice to members who required consistency and a cohesive, trusting relationship with their coach. Today, in addition to providing fair compensation and benefits, we’re able to employ the talents of incredibly passionate people who may not have been in a position to volunteer their time for this lifesaving work.

How are your coaches trained?

In addition to their personal lived experience, Face It TOGETHER coaches complete 30 hours of online training, 12 hours shadowing a seasoned coach and must pass a written assessment. Training prepares coaches to fully address the four core functions of peer support: assistance in daily management, social and emotional support, linkages to clinical care and community resources, and ongoing support over time. Additionally, coaches complete the steps to become nationally certified through National Association for Addiction Professionals (NAADAC).

Get started in coaching

We’d love to hear from you

What other information would be helpful on this page? Are there other questions you were hoping to see answered? If you have feedback you’d like to share, please contact our team via email. Please let us know how we’re doing and if there’s anything we should consider to make our website more welcoming and inclusive.