About us

We're a team of peers dedicated to helping people impacted by addiction get well. 

Solving our nation's greatest health challenge

Alcohol and other drug addiction is at the root of a wide range of challenging social problems and is inextricably linked to our quality of life, the strength of our economy and the safety of our communities.

In 2009, Face It TOGETHER was founded as one solution to these challenges in the Sioux Falls, SD community. Our innovative model is grounded in extensive data, evidence-based practices and lived experiences of those impacted by addiction. We support the individuals we serve in a safe, non-judgmental environment.


Our mission is to share healing and addiction wellness through genuine connection, data and community-informed solutions.


Our vision is solving addiction to heal families and communities.


We know people thrive when they feel they belong. 

We act in ways that build trust. 

We embrace a holistic approach that allows people to make, restore and strengthen connections.  

Our solution

Face It TOGETHER has been sharing addiction wellness for more than 15 years. We're proud of what we've accomplished, and we're excited for what opportunities the next 15 years will bring.

We believe there are a number of factors that set our approach apart.

  • The power of the peer. If we couldn’t say anything else about what makes Face It TOGETHER special, we’d say that it comes down to the power of the peer. Helping our members overcome challenges, meet goals and thrive after addiction is the most important work we do. The power of the shared peer experience is at the core of that commitment. 

    All coaches have profound lived experience with addiction, either personally or as loved ones, and have been extensively trained to help people get well. Our support is personalized, nonjudgmental and data-driven. We look for peers with a variety of life experiences to best meet the needs of our members. These are just a few of the topics we have expertise and powerful firsthand stories in: mental illness, incarceration, relapse, childhood trauma and abuse, chronic pain, drunk driving arrests, domestic violence, parenting children struggling with addiction, growing up with meth in the home – and much more.

  • Rigorous evaluation. We firmly believe addiction wellness is about more than sobriety. That’s why our assessments, including the Recovery Capital Index, look at all areas of someone’s life. It’s also why they don’t ask any questions related to the consumption of alcohol or other drugs. We want to know if our members have more hope, how fulfilled they are at work, if they feel supported by their families – and how these areas change over time.

    Our Senior Evaluation Scientist follows a comprehensive Knowledge Discovery and Quality Improvement plan to demonstrate the effectiveness of our coaching and learn how we can improve. Additionally, all coaches are extensively trained and participate in an ongoing quality assurance program.
  • Best-in-class loved one program. In 2016, we identified a critical gap in addiction care that remains today: an evidence-based approach that focuses on the wellness of loved ones first and foremost. At Face It TOGETHER, loved ones receive personalized and compassionate care even if their person at risk isn’t enrolled in coaching, which often isn’t the case in other programs for families.

    Our loved one program was developed using best practices in the field and doesn’t promote the use of tough love – a philosophy that isn’t supported by science and often hurts more than it helps. As loved ones improve their own health and wellness, reconnect with their values and learn to model positive change, we’ve found they are in a much better place to help others, particularly the people at risk in their lives. 

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