Celebrating addiction recovery

Published Aug. 31, 2020
By Dane Bloch, Director of Development
It’s been just over three months since I joined the team at Face It TOGETHER. In that time, I’ve been learning from our inspirational members and coaches.
It was clear to me even before my first day that Face It TOGETHER is a special organization. Since then, the stories I’ve heard and the impact I’ve seen have been truly moving.
I’ve been involved in advocacy and the nonprofit world for many years. I’ve seen the impact of unaddressed addiction on individuals’ housing, finances, mental health and employment. I’ve seen the frustration in the eyes of people when traditional methods didn’t work for them.
Now, I’ve seen the relief and freedom when a member finds a coach who understands where they’ve been, where they are and where they can go. They get paired with a wellness partner who understands that unique challenges require unique, personalized solutions. This is what Face It TOGETHER does. We help people in holistic, lasting ways.
Looking forward
September, National Recovery Month, is an opportunity to celebrate wellness and the paths that bring people there.
I invite you to celebrate this month with us and spread the word about the important work that happens at Face It TOGETHER.
During the month of September, I will be using our peer-to-peer fundraising technology to help raise awareness and funds for our coaching programs. I’m setting a goal of $200.
Would you join me in this campaign?
We’ve made it easy to create your own personalized profile, where you can share a message with supporters and set your own goal. Whether it is $50, $500 or more, this is a fun, easy way to support the members and coaches of Face It TOGETHER. Your personalized page is social media ready and can be shared right away.
Follow our Facebook page, where you can find support and share updates on your progress. I’ll be sharing my progress and helpful tips as well!
I’m excited to go on this journey with you. If you have questions or need help, please reach out to me. Together, we can celebrate our members, coaches and all who have been impacted by addiction.
Thank you!