An effective approach to addiction wellness

We provide personalized, nonjudgmental peer coaching for those impacted by addiction, including loved ones. We don't require sobriety or follow a one-size-fits-all program.

Despite her loss, Melissa has hope for other families

Melissa's stepson, Nicholas, died from an opioid overdose in May 2018. Since then, she’s made it her mission to help others by recounting her painful experiences and increasing awareness of addiction resources.

What our members say

Helping people get well is our most important work. We're honored to support our members as they overcome challenges, meet goals and thrive in whatever ways are important to them.

We can't wait to meet you

We bring a variety of life experiences to our important work. We hope reading about our backgrounds will demystify coaching, introduce our areas of expertise and demonstrate recovery is possible. If you prefer a coach within a certain community that you don’t see represented here, we hope you’ll still consider reaching out. And if you’re comfortable sharing that feedback, we’d greatly appreciate it. We’d love to know what qualities are most important to you and will keep them top-of-mind while hiring new coaches.